Sunki the Service Animal

Sunki the Service Animal

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


We had quite the adventure on the weekend. Now for those of my loyal readers that aren't on my Facebook Fan group, I'll get to what happened a little later.

I was really hoping that mommy Louise would be coming with us, but as it turned out it was good that our backup attendant came instead. We brought uncle Matthew as daddy's attendant (in this case we call him an attendant because they let them in for free, whereas best friends don't get in free). We wondered around looked at different booths, had lunch, then Matthew had to go to work for a bit. So it was just me and daddy for a few hours.

Daddy's costume was a big hit

Now this is a droid I'd be happy to look for

This is daddy's Easter Egg, this puzzle piece is our way of saying daddy is autistic.
 A little back story to the puzzle piece above, daddy wanted to put something on his costume to show he was A) autistic and B) supports autism awareness. But we didn't want ANYTHING to do with Autism Speaks. So with the help of fellow autistic cosplayers on Facebook, they came up with this design. The angular puzzle piece represents how autistic people can fit into society, the Mandalorian text in the top right, translated is AU short for AUtistic. And in the bottom left is the infinity symbol, it represents how many forms autism can take from person to person.
Daddy and a young Boba Fett

A few Star Wars kids.
I played an even bigger and important roll on Saturday evening, and this is why having uncle Matthew with us was so important. Daddy overheated in his costume, to the point where he was really sick. uncle Matthew is trained to take care of people like daddy, so after making sure daddy wasn't going to pass out, he went and got help. Nothing the nurse could do made daddy feel better, so they sent him to the hospital, along with me and uncle Matthew. While we were still in the nurses office daddy started having a panic attack, uncle Matthew brought me to daddy, and he started to calm down. I got to ride on the stretcher with daddy.

I'm going to have to stop, daddy is reading this over my shoulder (and between my ears), and is starting to have an anxiety attack from a flash back to that. I'll continue this story a little later after I have daddy calmed down.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

35 hours to go

There is just 36 hours to go until ComiCON, daddy says that mommy Louise is definitely coming, which makes both of us happy.
Daddy has been working on his costume again, this time he added a new thing to it. See, daddy wanted something to show he is autistic and also supports the autistic community, but he didn't want to using anything from the evil Autism Speaks Empire. So with the help of our fellow autistic cosplayers of Facebook we came up with a new logo for daddy to wear on his costume. It blends in with the rest of it, so it's what they call an "Easter Egg", something that means something, but it is hidden so that only the most *loyal dedicated fan sees it.
*loyal dedicated fan = people with way to much free time on their hands
Anyway, a few examples of Easter Eggs in movies.
In one of the Star Trek films there is a Klingon with an eye patch, well they decided that instead of a strap holding it over his eye it should be bolted right to his head. Each of the screws has the Klingon symbol on the head, now they never do a closeup of this guys face, so only the crew knew about it.
Another one is sort of a cross movie Easter Egg. In several of the Indiana Jones movies R2-D2 and C-3P0 make appearances, not in droid form, but as hieroglyphics in temples etc. And in the Star Wars prequels in the council chamber there are several aliens who are the same species as ET.
In Superman Returns there is a scene with a model train set, it gets destroyed by a Kryptonian crystal that Lex Luthor stole. It's the way the set is destroyed that is the EG here, it is an homage to the first Superman when Lex sets off a nuclear bomb in the San Andres fault, and causes a massive earthquake. There is also another little salute to that first Superman. After Superman saves the NASA jet with Lois Lane on it, he says the same line that he used in the first movie, specifically "I hope this little incident hasn't put you off flying, statistically speaking, it's still the safest way to travel" And after he flies off we see Lois faint... Again, just like after he rescued her from the crashed helicopter in the first movie.
Where was I again? Oh yeah, the logo. It's an angular puzzle piece with a silver boarder, inside it has Mandalorian text and an infinity symbol. Now for what it all means. The puzzle piece is how autistic people can fit into society if given the chance. The Mando text, when translated is AU, which is what autistics use as a short form ie AUtistic. And finally the infinity symbol, it stands for how many forms autism can take from person to person.
A before and after of the weathering

An infographic of the meanings

Thursday, March 5, 2015

We are going!!!!!!!

Yesterday me and daddy went to see his doctor, that's not the big news, after that we went and saw my Granty Flo (Granty = Great Grand Aunt). Daddy had a present for her, a tablet that he was no longer using, he's going to put a bunch of ebooks on it for her to read when she's out. That's still not the biggest news, we finally have our ticket to go to ComiCON in 2 weeks.
Our ComiCON ticket
Oh, and I have a new droid in my life, his designation is C1-10P AKA Chopper from Star Wars: Rebels.
"If Artoo's your favorite dog, Chopper's the cat"- Star Wars Executive Producer Dave Filoni.
That quote pretty well sums up Choppers personality, sarcastic and cranky. Daddy says that if I were a droid I'd be like Chopper, I'm not sure if I should be offended by that or not.

We shouldn't be running out of the pee-pads any time soon, last week daddy bought a BIG package of them. The package says that there are 80 of them, so even if I go through 2 a day I won't run out.
80 pee-pads x 2 a day = who cares there's a lot of them