Sunki the Service Animal

Sunki the Service Animal

Friday, January 23, 2015

Something fishy going on

On Wednesday me and daddy went to see my granty (that's Great grand aunt), when we were finished there I told daddy we should send mommy Louise a text and see if she wanted to meet up. We were just about to board a bus when she replied that she could, but it would be a quickie (for some reason daddy found this hilarious, I couldn't figure out what was funny, and daddy said I didn't need to because it was grownup humor, I'll be 7 in a few days in rabbit years I'm older then daddy).
Anyway, we met up at a Tim Horton's and had a snack (daddy picked up some parsley and banana for me). Mommy Louise and daddy discussed plans for upcoming events, like Robbie Burn's day (which is this Sunday). And my birthday, but I only caught bits and pieces of that conversation, daddy kept covering my ears 😕. What I did figure out is that it will happen next weekend, it's going to be downtown, and mommy Louise is going with us. Other then that I still don't know what my party is going to be, or where exactly. It might mean dressing up, but I'm not sure if that's formal dressing up (my vest and bowtie), or Cosplay dressing up (in my Gray Jedi costume).

Oh, speaking of costumes, daddy has been redesigning his costume........ Again. We finally got the lights we ordered online, they came Wednesday, but we had to pick them up at the post office Thursday. Daddy redesigned the visor lights, now the whole visor lights up. He also put something new on the back, it's a water dispenser, it has a hose running from a collapsible water container to somewhere close to his helmet. This way he doesn't have to remove his helmet to have a drink, and he'll stay hydrated and able to function for longer periods of time in his costume. Now if that were only true for the rest of his body, what with bad legs and bad back he has to sit down and rest a lot.

1 comment:

  1. oh I can't wait till your birthday Sunki,I bet it will be so much fun,xx Speedy
