Sunki the Service Animal

Sunki the Service Animal

Monday, February 4, 2013

My birthday Cake

So as I posted before daddy and I went out and got fixings for my birthday cake, and he made a huge cake for me.

Both green and red leaf lettuce, and watermelon.
Daddy was trying to take a picture of just the cake, but.......

......Watermelon waits for nobun.

Sitting beside daddy having my birthday cake.
Daddy also put birthday boy buttons on my stroller, that way everyone knows that I'm the birthday boy.
The big round button lights up and flashes. The little button on the bottom we've had since my very first birthday.
We're leaving my smaller button on for the week.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Sunki! Your cake looks delicious, and you are beautifully handsome as always. <333
